Integrating Dine Education Philosophy in Science Classes
Diné Studies PhD student Dana Disiderio is working with Abraham Meles and Irene Ane Anyangwe to bring Diné principles into physics and biology classes.
Soft robotics
Harvard postdoctoral fellow Jeff Rawson is working with Monsuru Ramoni to lead workshops on soft robotics for NTU undergraduates and local teachers – TBD once COVID-19 social distancing is over.
Low-cost electrochemical detection techniques
Thiagarajan Soundappan is working with postdoctoral fellows in the research group of George Whitesides to develop low-cost electrochemical detection techniques for use in the NTU curriculum and for community-based science
Microfluidics and hydrogels in biology
Microfluidics and physical measurements
Professional Development for Students
We gratefully acknowledge funding of VENTURES (Vision for Excellence at Navajo Technical University in Research and Education in STEM) by the National Science Foundation under NSF Award Number DMR-1828012.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the National Science Foundation.